Indian bloggers are united in protesting Musharraf's upcoming visit to Delhi, ostensibly to watch a cricket match. Please join our protest by displaying the graphic above on your own blogs by clicking here. Also, please drop a note, via comments, if you're joining our protest.
Our kudos to Nitin, Shanti, varnam, Sandeep, Jagadish, India Defence, Niket Kaisare, Patrix, Akash, Quizman, Vulturo, Rojnamcha, Communism Watch,, Marwadi, Suren, Transport Phenomena, Null Pointer, Rajagopal, and everyone else involved in this important campaign.
Have added my objection to my blog
Its nice to know that there are others who think similarly about this whole fiasco.
I wholeheartedly agree with your views, and have joined in the protest
Dear Amrit
I also love peace and actually believe peace is the only solution to INDO-PAK issue. But welcoming MUSHY with garlands who de facto plan the Kargil intrusion is way too much.
A country which exists only on its hatred towards INDIA cannot have lasting peace.
If there is peace between India and Pakistan ,Pakistan losses its purpose of existence.
So lets pray for a miracle when the US takes over the Pak administration and handed over to a UN administrated body with an eventual merger with India or a separate buffer state.
I know this might sound improbable at this juncture but mark my words for 2020.
Will love to hear junta’s feedback on same at
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