Thursday, November 24, 2005

Fear And Loathing In India

The Indian blogopshere has been outraged by the murder of a young IOC official -- an IIM MBA -- brutally killed for doing his job with probity.

Needless to say, one feels anguish for his family left behind.

It's important to note here that he is hardly an exception. India has fallen into a criminal abyss where most people are afraid of criminals and, even worse, of the police. Corruption, assault, kidnapping, rape, murder, and even genocide are just as valid descriptors of India as its much-acclaimed economic, scientific, and military progress.

The murder of an IIM graduate appears shocking -- because he is kinda' like all of us Anglophone Indians, assumed safe in our ivory cocoons -- but in real fact, it's just one more data point in the loathsome deluge of criminality in our nation.

If we are to mourn, lets mourn the unknown Indian who lives a terrified life in the criminal Indian ether, then frequently loses it over astonishingly minor reasons in horrifyingly painful ways, and few even notice.


doubtinggaurav said...


My thought too.


On the contrary there were genocides and exiles

In Kashmir

In North - East

But since it was Hindus so I guess it doesnt fit in Moral equivalence/Victimhood that secularism requires


doubtinggaurav said...


You are right ofcourse,
What happened in Kashmir was not genocide.
I was using it in fake but accuarte ™ sense
(Hell Secularists use it in a much more inaccurate way)
My apologies.



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